Seleno Health - The Maca Experts


Seleno Health - The Maca Experts is a Wellington-based family business that works with two family farms in Peru to bring ethically and sustainably-sourced artisanal maca and cacao directly to your table.

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Dr Corin Storkey (New Zealand) and Sally Huapaya (Peru) are a couple who work in collaboration with two farming families in the Andes and the Amazon of Peru to bring quality, sustainable maca and cacao to conscious Kiwi consumers. 

Their farm-to-table model focuses on preserving the ancient cultivation techniques, culture and history of both maca and cacao and connecting consumers directly to the farm and sacred spirit of the plant. 

“All our products are made ready to market by our farmers so there are no middle-men and the full profit goes back to the farmer.”

Seleno Health - The Maca Experts offers a range of specialised maca powders and capsules, and cacao products that contain natural healing principles from everyday use and general health and wellbeing, to more specific and chronic health conditions. All blends and products are tested in New Zealand to ensure potency and quality. 

“We have absolute 100% transparent traceability not only to the farm but the exact field each batch was produced in.”

The company’s partner-farmers, Florencio and Yraida, are maca experts who specialise in the cultivation and production of premium medicinal maca following ancient ancestral organic farming techniques. 

Their farm and farming techniques focus on preservation of ancient spiritual practices and respecting pachamama (mother earth) and her environment through ceremony and traditional soil resting and rotation. 

Every batch they produce is made with love, passion, care, and intention to help and to heal. They are some of only a few traditional farmers left in Peru who keep their ancient traditions surrounding maca and produce in artisanal batches.

Seleno’s profit-sharing model ensures that their farmers are paid far more than a living wage. The company then donates a further percentage of their profits back into a development fund to improve the lives of the people who produce their products.

Both Corin and Sally left their corporate lives to create a social enterprise that bought sustainable and ethical change to the superfood industry in Peru. They have a passionate social responsibility program and support multiple development projects in their farming communities.

Together they facilitate workshops around New Zealand to educate Kiwis on how to consume maca and cacao and how to use it to treat different health conditions based on scientific substantiation of traditional claims. 

“At The Maca Experts we believe it is up to us as consumers, suppliers, and retailers to protect the incredible heritage, culture, and history behind maca in Peru and to create an ethical and sustainable way to produce it that benefits all involved.” 

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Yellow maca, crunchy maca nibs, chocolate maca powder, specialised blends, maca roots, cacao nibs, cacao paste, cacao butter and cacao powder
